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Chocolate Fondant

Come Dine With Me South Africa S8: Ep6 Nina's recipes

Serves 4

Nina Nel


  • 30g melted butter (brushing mould)
  • 2 tsp cocoa (dusting mould)
  • 100g dark chocolate (chopped)
  • 100g butter (chopped)
  • 100g caster sugar
  •  2 + 2 eggs + yolks
  • 100g plain flower

Berry Coulis sauce

  • 100g mixed berries
  • 50g caster sugar


  1. Brush melted butter all over the inside of the pudding mold. Place the mold in the fridge or freezer. Brush more melted butter over the chilled butter, then add a good spoonful of cocoa powder into the mold. Tip the mold so the powder completely coats the butter.
  2. Place a bowl over a pan of barely simmering water, then slowly melt dark chocolate and butter together. Remove the bowl from the heat, leave to cool for about 10 mins.
  3. Whisk eggs and egg yolks together with golden caster sugar until thick and pale. Sift flour into the eggs, then beat together.
  4. Pour the melted chocolate into the egg mixture in thirds, beating well between each addition, until all the chocolate is added, and the mixture is completely combined.
  5. Tip the fondant batter into a jug, then evenly divide between the molds.
  6. Heat oven to 200C. Place the fondants on a baking tray, then cook for 10-12 mins until the tops have formed a crust and they are starting to come away from the sides of their molds.
  7. For the sauce, heat mixed berries and sugar together in a saucepan while crushing berries into a pulp.