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Malva Supreme

Come Dine With Me South Africa S8: Ep9 Gabriel's recipes

Serves 6

Gabriel Mwanza


  • 500g Premixed Malva Mixture
  • 2 Eggs
  • 30g Butter
  • 250g Cream
  • 50m Vanilla Essence 
  • 4 bags Rooibos Tea
  • 1 packet Dry Custard
  • Milk
  • Sugar


  1. Beat Eggs and melted butter, then add hot milk    
  2. Then add dry malva mix and put in oven to bake     
  3. Put Jam, cream and pre-mix glaze in a saucepan and combine.
  4. Add the cake once baked
  5. Boil milk and tea bags, sugar then add dry custard
  6. Serve warm


For Vegan, I will serve Vegan Yoghurt, with strawberries, date balls and almond cluster mix. Layer and set into fridge

Gabriel Mwanza - Vegan Yoghurt, with strawberries, date balls and almond cluster mix
Vegan option